Ms. Winns' students working diligently on their Pre Calculus Concurrent Credit exam today.

Ms. Mashburns' students hard at work this morning in Algebra III.

Mr. Hines covering his daily material with his Bridge to Algebra II class this morning.

Mrs. Balenko leading her students in her daily Algebra II lesson this morning.

Coach Braeutigam providing support to her Algebra II students this morning.

Everyone is encouraged to wear red white and blue Monday to honor America's courage through adversity. With a hurricane approaching Florida, with the recent devastation of the hurricane in Texas, we need to all remember that Americans face adversity together, and we pull together to help our fellow countryman.

The Child Nutrition Department would like to remind parents that a new application must be filled out each year to qualify for free and reduced meals. If you have not filled one out for the 2017-18 school year please fill one out as soon as possible. You can complete an application online at http://russellvillesd.nlappscloud.com or obtain a paper copy from your child's school.

Mrs. Kucala covering material for the day with her Sophomore English II class.

Mrs. Moody's Pre AP English II class working in small groups to discuss their cultural identities.

Mr. Barham explaining the solution to a problem in Geometry.

Ms. Kobs helping a student work out a problem in Geometry.

Mrs. Brock providing assistance to one of her Biology students @ RHS.

EAST students out flying our DJI Phantom 4 drone this morning. Students utilizing our resources @ RHS.

Happy Birthday to Mrs. Hamm. RHS hopes you have a great day! Thanks for all that you do.

Mrs. Powells' students engaged in today's lesson in Senior English.

Mrs. Cooper providing instruction with her sixth period English class.

Mr. Young explaining today's lesson with his sixth period AP Literature class.

RHS Administrators & Department leaders meeting to discuss their weekly objectives for our school.

We are proud of Mr. Caudles' students for collecting and donating supplies to The Salvation Army for our Texas neighbors.

Mrs. Giron covering her daily objectives for her Spanish I class this morning.