Congratulations to Joy Skaggs on being named Lady Cyclones player of the game for her outstanding performance vs Pottsville.

Russellville High School graduates from 2022, if you purchased a yearbook you may pick it up in the front office of the high school at your convenience.

Congratulations to Asa Aylor and Zane Russell on being named Cyclone players of the game vs Dardanelle.

Congratulations to Landon Meimerstorf on being named player of the game for his outstanding performance vs Pottsville.

Congratulations to Chloie McSpadden on her outstanding performance vs Greenwood. Chloie shot a 41 which placed her second. The Lady Cyclones defeated Greenwood 120-161.

Mental Health Awareness spirit week will be September 6th - 9th for the Russellville School District.
Stronger Than The Storm

Congratulations to Jett Bull on his outstanding performance vs Greenwood. Jett shot a 40 to finish third overall.

Congratulations to Clara McSpadden on her outstanding performance at the Mountain Home Invitational. Clara finished second overall with scores of 78 and 85.

Congratulations to Noah Abington on his outstanding performance at the 2022 Mountain Home Invitational. Noah took first place with scores of 77 and 73.

Back to School Bus Transportation:
To find your bus stop, go to “Find my bus stop” here: http://www.infofinderi.com/ifi/?cid=rsd1mstu9pe8
If you can’t find a bus stop near your address, please fill out the Request form here: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSe3h1Jptw5t8Z5r4ul1x3UX-gUjcBspa2aZSMfHRhvUcuEPKg/viewform
Permission Forms to ride home to an alternate address can be found here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1vTBILGA7kIjrbbIH5sMWCcbVz-XQjorC/view
For more information can be found on the RSD Transportation Website linked below:

RSD secondary schools will host Open House tonight, August 11th. Please see the schedule below:
RIS 4-6 pm
RMS 4-6 pm
RJHS 4-6 pm
RHS New Student & Sophomore Orientation 5-6 pm
RHS Open House 6-7 pm

All RSD buildings and offices will be closed Thursday, August 11th and Friday, August 12th for districtwide professional development.

Attention Seniors 2023! We will have make up pictures taken this Wednesday 8/10 and Thursday 8/11. You will need to go online to Prestigeportraits.com to confirm/schedule your appointment time. All appointments must be confirmed to be photographed on these days.

Returning RSD student registration is now open! Emails have been sent, but please be patient as they are sent gradually.
Please check for emails sent from Arkansas State Department of Education. The subject line will say Russellville School District Returning Registration for “your child’s name”.
If you have not received an email for your child by Tuesday, August 9th, please contact your child's school.
For more information and instructions, please visit the RSD website: https://www.rsdk12.net/article/799219

Russellville High School students may pick up their laptop and schedule in the RHS Library this week according to the schedule below:
Tues 8/2: Seniors 11:30-3:30
Wed 8/3: Juniors 11:30-3:30
Thurs 8/4: Sophomores 8:30-3:30
Friday 8/5: Make Up Day 11:30-3:30
Each student will be required to sign and return a Computer User Agreement Form and a Laptop User Agreement Form. $5 Parking permits are also available during this time.
Other Important Dates:
Thurs 8/11: Orientation at The Center for the Arts 5-6pm
Thurs 8/11: Open House 6-7pm
Mon 8/15: Senior Breakfast at The Center for the Arts 7:15-8am
Mon 8/15: 1st Day of School
If you have questions, please contact the RHS office at 479-968-3151.

RSD will host two Meet the Principal events for Mr. Brad Ray, new principal at Russellville High School. The come & go events will be held on Tuesday, August 2nd from 12:00-1:00 P.M. and 5:00-6:00 P.M. at The Center for the Arts.
Students, parents, teachers and community members are invited to stop by and welcome Mr. Ray to Russellville.

The 2021-22 Arkansas State Pandemic EBT (P-EBT) Plan has been approved by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA). P-EBT benefits assist families by providing reimbursement for meals provided to children who 1) qualify for free or reduced meal benefits AND 2) were absent from school due to a COVID-related isolation/quarantine. If the answer is yes to both conditions, parents should complete the electronic form at the link below or contact your child’s school to complete an Arkansas Parent Initiated P-EBT Application.
Read more at dese.link/CNU-22-032.
Online application: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1AeglqHxsqb1_D3YUoCn1NSC7U5elTWXbqq3z0Ei4PHY/viewform?edit_requested=true

********Attention senior class of 2023!!!************
Your Prestige pictures dates are 6/9, 6/13-6/16. Be on the lookout for your postcard to come in the mail. You will need to go online at Prestigeportraits.com to Confirm/Schedule your appointment time. All appointments must be confirmed to be photographed on these days. No walk-ins will be allowed. If you have any questions or concerns about your appointment, please call our office at 1.800.537.6698.

Russellville High School Class of 2023 Picture Day.

Congratulations to the Cyclones on winning the 5A state championship in Benton.