October is principals appreciation month. Russellville High School wants to say thank you to our administration team for their hard work and dedication day in and day out.
over 1 year ago, Russellville High School
Principals Appreciation Month
Russellville High School will be hosting La Féria Thursday October 12, 2023.
over 1 year ago, Russellville High School
La Feria
RHS faculty and staff will be wearing pink t-shirts every Wednesday during the month of October in support of breast cancer awareness.
over 1 year ago, Russellville High School
Pam Mathis Day
Pam Mathis Day
Pam Mathis Day
Congratulations to Jack Gray and Mr. Daniel Stahl on being named student of the month and staff member of the month for October.
over 1 year ago, Russellville High School
Mr. Stahl
Jack Gray
October is the official start of the Arkansas College Application Campaign and Russellville High School is excited to help Seniors apply to college, for financial aid, and for their next step after graduation! We are also excited to have an official Proclamation from Mayor Teague declaring the months of October through February as the Arkansas College Application Season! The term College refers to ANY post-high school education or training that our Seniors can receive - join us in encouraging our students to apply to college and broaden their choices for future success!
over 1 year ago, Russellville High School
Mayor of Russellville
College signing campaign
College Application Day
Sadie's Hawkins dance will be October 14, 2023 at Russellville High School.
over 1 year ago, Russellville High School
ACT prep and tutoring help at RHS.
over 1 year ago, Russellville High School
ACT Prep
Russellville High School weekly announcements for w/e 10-7-23. https://tinyurl.com/3m3ewvm3
over 1 year ago, Russellville High School
weekly announcments
weekly announcments
weekly announcments
Cyclones vs Siloam Springs Friday night 7:00 pm at Cyclone stadium. Our student theme will be fraternity and sorority. Students show up and be loud!
over 1 year ago, Russellville High School
Order your Homecoming 2023 T-Shirt today from Cyclone Co.
over 1 year ago, Russellville High School
Order your senior's yearbook ad today! If you have any questions you can contact dan.boroughs@rsdk12.net.
over 1 year ago, Russellville High School
Senior's Ad's
Order your RHS 2023/2024 yearbook today. Please see the attached flyer for information regarding placing an order.
over 1 year ago, Russellville High School
Yearbook 2023/2024
Today is #WhyApply Day! RHS is excited to be part of the American College Application Campaign and encouraging our students to explore their pathways after high school! College includes traditional 4-year universities, but also 2-year degrees, certifications, apprenticeships, and any other education outside of high school!
over 1 year ago, Russellville High School
Today is #WhyApply Day! RHS is excited to be part of the American College Application Campaign and encouraging our students to explore their pathways after high school! College includes traditional 4-year universities, but also 2-year degrees, certifications, apprenticeships, and any other education outside of high school!
over 1 year ago, Russellville High School
Russellville High School weekly announcements for w/e 9-30-23.
over 1 year ago, Russellville High School
Weekly announcements
Weekly announcments
Russellville High School weekly calendar for w/e 9-23-23. https://tinyurl.com/24e8exdb
over 1 year ago, Russellville High School
Weekly Calendar
Russellville High School weekly announcements for w/e 9-16-23. https://tinyurl.com/3rwx77s7
over 1 year ago, Russellville High School
Weekly Announcements
Weekly Announcements
Russellville High School Dear Students and Parents: Congratulations, Class of 2024! Senior LAST CALL Picture Days Location: Russellville High September 12th You may already know that our official 2024 Senior Portrait partner is Prestige Portraits by Lifetouch. We will take ONLY Cap & Gown. There is NO Sit Fee due at the time of your Session. Prestige is our school's official photographer. No other portrait will be accepted for the yearbook Cap & Gown will be provided.
over 1 year ago, Russellville High School
Picture day is tomorrow at Russellville High School. Please see the attached graphic for pertinent information.
over 1 year ago, Russellville High School
Picture Day
Congratulations to Danessa Sauceda-Leiva and Mr. Ethan Hodge on being named student of the month and staff member of the month for Russellville High School.
over 1 year ago, Russellville High School